Startup Security Program
Templarbit will help you grow faster by providing everything you need from a security perspective to close enterprise customers

Join the Program
The Templarbit Startup Security Program is focused on helping you and your company put in place the security practices and tools that are required to approach and close large enterprise deals.
To qualify, your company must be part of a supported accelerator program and have raised less than $2MM in venture funding. If your accelerator is not on the list, please select “other” and we will reach out to them about joining the program.
Free Benefits
Resources available to your startup
Security Audit
We will provide you with a security audit on your web apps, APIs and endpoints. This will allow you to establish a baseline and get an initial overview of your security posture and what might be missing.
Enterprise level AppSec
Protect and monitor your applications with Templarbit and take advantage of all enterprise benefits including the handling of unlimited requests, unlimited properties, unlimited members and unlimited data visibility. Free for the first year and a heavy discount after that.
Security for Sales workshop
Sensitivity about data protection is rising and regulations are becoming increasingly strict. This reflects in today’s sales process, especially with enterprise accounts. The security for sales workshop shows you how to navigate security questionnaires and requirements.