Stop Cross-site Scripting attacks on your web application

The best solution to mitigate against an XSS attack is to deploy a Content Security Policy (CSP). This allows you to create a whitelist for your site that defines what resources are allowed to load. This whitelist then gets deployed via a special header that instructs the browser what to load and what to block.

Here is an example of such a CSP header:

Content-Security-Policy: default-src: 'self'; script-src: 'self'

How do you deploy a Content Security Policy?

Here are some options on how to deploy a CSP header and protect yourself from XSS, clickjacking and other related issues.

Deploy via Templarbit Deploy manually

Deploy a Content Security Policy with Templarbit

Templarbit will provide you with the fastest way to deploy and manage a Content Security Policy. Managing updates to your Content Security Policy will become a frictionless experience and happens in real time without the need to re-deploy code or manually change server configurations.

Powering things behind the scenes is a combination of our proprietary data and machine learning models that allow Templarbit to automatically make a decision on policy changes without relying on human input.

Establish your last line of defense

Templarbit is the most direct way to improve your company's security posture and will help ensure that your team can stay on top of things by surfacing security threats in a format everyone can understand. Harness the power of robust AppSec intelligence and prevent attacks before they affect your business.

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